This web site provides general information to the public regarding this law firm and the services it provides. No attorney-client relationship is formed here. Because each case is unique and deserving of dialogue, inquiries regarding possible representation by Campbell, Trohn, Tamayo, & Aranda, P.A. should be made in person or over the telephone. Accordingly, electronic mail inquiries should be limited to questions of general interest, or the scheduling of a conference by phone or in person. To protect the interests of the client, any inquiries attempting to provide factual details via e-mail must be automatically deleted from the system.
This website and all content therein is offered for general information purposes only. Nothing contained in this website should be construed as an agreement to provide legal representation or legal services to the reader. Nothing contained in this website should be construed as an agreement to accept any unsolicited offer for legal representation by Campbell, Trohn, Tamayo, & Aranda, P.A. Nothing on this website creates an unsolicited attorney-client relationship. Communication with attorneys of Campbell, Trohn, Tamayo, & Aranda, P.A. through electronic mail, directed to one of the linked addresses contained in the website, does not constitute the creation of an attorney-client relationship. No such attorney-client relationship should be construed to exist by way of any statement contained in this website without an actual written acknowledgement and agreement of representation from the attorneys of the firm. The Campbell, Trohn, Tamayo, & Aranda, P.A. website is not a conveyance of legal advice. Nothing contained therein should be construed as legal advice or the legal position of the firm on any specific issue or topic. Campbell, Trohn, Tamayo, & Aranda, P.A. reserves the right to change the content of this website at any given time and without notice. Reproduction of the content of this website, except for the viewer’s own personal use, is prohibited without express written authority from Campbell, Trohn, Tamayo, & Aranda, P.A.
Campbell, Trohn, Tamayo, & Aranda, P.A.
1701 South Florida Ave. Lakeland, FL 33803
Phone: (863) 686-0043 | Fax: (863) 616-1445

